Tổng tiền thanh toán:
Bộ sưu tập Thu đông mới nhất cho mệnh Thủy
Bộ lọc
Áo Yves Turtle-neck Tweed Jacket/ Grey Stripe 2241
Chất liệu: Vải chính: 80% polyester, 10% cotton, 10% wool. Vải phối: 100% cotton.
Bông tai Olive Branch Earings
drop 11 cm, pearl, mother of pearl, silver chain, silver wire & fish hook, 20 gr.
Bông tai Pear Tree Ruby & Pearl Earings
drop 8,5 & 12,5 cm, ruby, pearl, mother of pearl, silver wire, silver fish hook, 30 gr
Bông tai Sea Curve Asymmetric Earings
drop 5 & 7,5 cm, pearl, turquoise, mother of pearl, silver wire, silver stud pin, 25 gr
Bông tai Metal Water Tree Earings No. 81
drop 9 cm, mother of pearl, silver wire, silver stud pin, 18 gr
Bông tai Earth Metal Water Earings No. 76
drop 7,5 cm , pearl, mother of pearl, silver wire, silver stud pin, 15 gr
Bông tai Earth Metal Water Earings No. 75
drop 8 cm, pearl, mother of pearl, silver wire, silver stud pin, 15 gr
Bông tai Turquoise Rattan Circle Earings
drop 8 cm, turquoise, rattan, silver wire, silver stud pin, 18 gr